Državna himna Bosne i Hercegovine

Državna himna Bosne i Hercegovine / Државна химна Босне и Херцеговине
English: National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina

National anthem of
 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Also known as Intermeco
Lyrics Dušan Šestić and Benjamin Isović, 2009
Music Dušan Šestić
Adopted 1999
Music sample
National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Državna himna Bosne i Hercegovine (Државна химна Босне и Херцеговине, National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina) is the national anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The anthem was adopted on 25 June 1999, by the promulgation of the Law on the National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina,[1] replacing the previous anthem, "Jedna si jedina", which apparently excluded the country's Serb and Croat communities, though, was in use from February 10, 1998, as the flag and coat of arms.

Dušan Šestić composed the melody, to which initially there were no lyrics under the working title Intermeco, which is commonly referred to as the title of the anthem.

Lyrics written by Dušan Šestić, the original composer, and Benjamin Isović were accepted by a parliamentary commission in February 2009.[2] The decision still requires approval of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the House of Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina.[3] The lyrics do not mention the two administrative entities or the constitutional nations that make up the state, and end with the line "We are going into the future, together!".

Proposed lyrics

Latin[4] Cyrillic[5] English translation

Ti si svjetlost duše
Vječne vatre plam
Majko naša zemljo, Bosno
Tebi pripadam

U srcu su tvoje
Rijeke, planine
Plavo more
Bosne i Hercegovine

Ponosna i slavna
Zemljo predaka
Živjet ćeš u srcu našem

Pokoljenja tvoja
Kazuju jedno:
Mi idemo u budućnost

Ти си свјетлост душе
Вјечне ватре плам
Мајко наша земљо, Босно
Теби припадам

У срцу су твоје
Ријеке, планине
Плаво море
Босне и Херцеговине

Поносна и славна
Земљо предака
Живјећеш у срцу нашем

Покољења твоја
Казују једно:
Ми идемо у будућност

You're the light of the soul
Eternal fire's flame
Mother of ours, land of Bosnia
I belong to you

In the heart are yours
Rivers, mountains
Blue sea
Of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Proud and famous
Land of ancestors
You shall live in our hearts
Ever more

Generations of yours
Show up one:
We go into the future


  1. ^ Office of the High Representative (25 June 1999). "Decision imposing the Law on the National Anthem of BiH". http://www.ohr.int/decisions/statemattersdec/default.asp?content_id=354. Retrieved 10 May 2010. 
  2. ^ Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina (4 June 2010). "Proposal of the Text for the National Hymn of BiH Adopted by the Council of Ministers of BiH". http://www.mpr.gov.ba/bs/str.asp?id=375. Retrieved 10 May 2010. 
  3. ^ Balkan Insight (23 February 2010). "Bosnia Anthem Gets Lyrics After 10 Years". http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/bosnia-anthem-gets-lyrics-after-10-years. Retrieved 10 May 2010. 
  4. ^ Ministarstvo pravde Bosne i Hercegovine (4 June 2010). "Prijedlog teksta himne BiH utvrdilo Vijeće ministara BiH" (in Croatian). http://www.mpr.gov.ba/hr/str.asp?id=375. Retrieved 10 May 2010. 
  5. ^ Министарство правде Босне и Херцеговине (4 June 2010). "Приједлог текста химне БиХ утврдио Савјет министара БиХ". http://www.mpr.gov.ba/sr/str.asp?id=375. Retrieved 10 May 2010. 

External links